Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body and need proper care. Don’t let your eyes suffer from any eye problems. Eye problems can be easily prevented if you practice some essential eye care habits in your everyday habits. If you have to follow some easy tips to protect your eyes.
We are sharing a few tips to maintain your eye health and to keep your vision sharp. Make these habits part of your daily routine.
Don’t rub your eyes.
Our hands are exposed to dirt, dust and bacteria, and all of these can be easily transferred to your eyes when you touch or rub them. Avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent infection and irritation.
Wash your hands regularly
For making your hands germ free and sanitized, keep washing your hands regularly. Prevent your eyes from getting in contact with your eyes, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.
Don’t smoke.
If you smoke them it will make your eyes make you more susceptible to age-related macular degeneration and other eye conditions such as cataract. It can also damage the optic nerves that have adverse effects on vision overtime.
Wear sunglasses
Continuous exposure to sunlight and UV rays can damage your eyes. It will increase your risk for age-related macular degeneration. While it may cause cornea sunburn or photokeratitis. To avoid these diseases, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. You can also put caps, visors and hats to protect them.
Stay hydrated.
Keep your body hydrated because sufficient fluid intake is essential for the body’s overall wellbeing. Your hydrated body will help your body to prevent your eyes from getting dry and irritated.
Keep a balanced diet.
For healthy eyes. You need to balance your diet such that your diet should include Beta-carotene, Lutein, Omega-3, Lycopene, and Vitamins C, A, and E. These are essential supplements for maintaining your eye health. Keep your diet infused with different foods that are rich in those nutrients.
Maintain proper distance from screen.
If you are using a computer monitor regularly then it should be positioned about an arm’s length away from the eyes and 20 degrees below eye level. Always make sure that you have sufficient and diffused lighting in your room.
Wear right eye make-up.
Girls used to wear make-up frequently, choose the brands that work well for you. Make yourself aware from eye shadows, mascara, and eyeliners that cause an allergic reaction to your eyes. Remove make-up to avoid bacterial build-up. Clean your make-up brushes regularly.
Get enough sleep.
Our body needs proper rest and Just like the rest of our body, our eyes need to recharge too. It only happens when you get proper sleep. Always make sure that you get sufficient sleep each day to keep your eyes revitalized and healthy.
Follow 20-20-20 Rules
If you are looking at a computer for a long time then you can tire out your eyes. You can give rest your eyes by taking a break every 20 minutes, by looking at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
These are a few tips that everyone should follow for healthy eyes. Still If you’re worried that you might be at risk for some eye diseases then talk to your doctor. It will help you to take steps to lower your risk.
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